The Sisterhood of St. Tatiana is part of the parish of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church located in Mebane, North Carolina. It was founded in 2013 and organized according to the Parish by-laws.
The Sisterhood's main objectives are to reflect and give life to the Christian Orthodox Faith, under the spiritual guidance of the Priest and in close contact with the life of the Church. Our important goals are to care for the welfare of the community and tend to the needs of the church, the clergy and parish.
The Sisterhood is under the protection of St Tatiana and celebrates its feast day annually on January 25.
The purpose of the Sisterhood is to support the maintenance and upkeep of the holy temple through various activities, fundraisers, and labor, including cleaning the Church building and congregational areas, gardening and tending the churchyard.
Sisters are always ready to visit and/or offer aid and comfort to the sick, to support the needy.
We would like to welcome everyone to Sunday trapeza! The custom to hold the meal after the divine Liturgy lasts for many years and we try to keep it. This tradition enables us to meet people, make new friends, to work for the Glory of God and to be a part of the parish and its community.
Sisters dedicate their time and energy to organizing and participating in activities that became great annual traditions in our parish, particularly Annual International Festival in Raleigh, Russian Festival in the Triangle Area, and the Annual Bazaar (souvenirs and traditional Russian food), our largest fundraising event organized around Thanksgiving time.
Starting this April, the Sisterhood initiated a monthly publication of the parish's Bulletin.
All profits from Sisterhood activities are used for the needs of the parish and for those in need.
Lidia Aybar, Head Sister
Natalia Smith, Assistant Head Sister and Secretary
Milla Albers, Treasurer
Maria Kononova, coordinator of festivals
Tamara Krivulina, kiosk
Gayane Bogdanova, Liubov Vaniashina
Zoya Volovik
Maria Kornienko
Editors of the Bulletin: Milla Albers, Gayane Bogdanova, Maria Kononova, Natalia Smith
To become part of the Sisterhood is a wonderful opportunity to help God's temple and to support our neighbor as one parish family. The more there are of us, the more useful we can be! All women members of the parish are welcome to join the Sisterhood. Are you interested? For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For more information on the Charter of the Sisterhood, please click here.