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Upcoming Services (click to see the entire schedule)
Saturday 6:00PM - Vigil and Confession
Sunday 9:30AM - Hours and Diving Liturgy
Schedule for November
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
On behalf of the parish council, we congratulate all our parishioners and visitors to this site with the bright and joyous feast of Holy Pascha. May peace, love, and joy in the Lord reign in our hearts during these holy days!
- Priest Peter Markevich
Pascha of our Lord
April 3/16, 2023
Last weekend our Parish was met with a triple Holiday: the arrival of our Bishop Nicholas, Sunday and, of course, the stay of the holy Kursk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with us!
And many thanks to everyone! It is simply impossible to describe in words what a special great joy, prayer, peace, unity there was in these days!
On Saturday Vladyka Nicholas and we all celebrated a solemn All-Night Vigil, and on Sunday we celebrated the most joyful Divine Liturgy! Then there was a joint photo, a wonderful meal, the joy of communication and the blessing of the Archpastor and the miraculous image of the Most Holy Lady.
The church is full of people, a huge number of parishioners, who lit each other's hearts with joy and love! A huge number of participants!
I have received many warm words from you dear ones, thank you very much! Together, we expressed our gratitude for the visit to Vladyka and presented him with a bishop's Panagia with the image of the Holy Trinity.
In general, there are many more words to say, but the most important thing is that we have each other and Christ is in our midst.
And, of course, I say thank you again to those who worked hard, organizing the meeting of the Bishop, and the meal, and preparing the temple, who sacrificing money, and who praying.
I once again convey to everyone the blessing of our Bishop Nicholas. God bless you and, of course, take care of each other.
With love in Christ,
rector hieromonk Nikon
The whole mystery and joy of the world and eternity in a two words. May the Risen God touch your hearts with Easter joy, revealing joy, love, hope and immortality.
Christ is risen! Truly He is Risen!
Consecration of Easter Cakes. New Church Store
- on Holy Saturday after the Divine Liturgy (which begins at 9.30) and until 3.00 pm.
- after the night Easter services (which start at 11.00 pm on Saturday night)
- on the very day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Finally in our church there is a full-fledged and beautiful church store! With wonderful icons, prayer books for children and adults, as well as adult and children's spiritual literature (even coloring books) and small church souvenirs. In this email, I attach photos!
And it is much more pleasant, of course, when something from the spiritual does not need to be ordered, but can be purchased in the native temple.
rector hieromonk Nikon

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